I use to love and hate donuts. Mainly, I loved them before I ate them. Then my stomach and mind hated them after the huge hit of sugar crushed me. So I decided to talk myself out of eating them, but whatever I tried didn’t work. My rational mind just couldn’t beat out the emotional mind that said… eat them… eat them now! So I tried a little trick, which is actually kind of disgusting, but it worked. I decided I was talking to the wrong part of my brain, I knew rationally that I would regret my decision but my emotional mind wasn’t convinced. So I tried talking to my emotional brain instead of my rational brain.
To do that, I bought a donut from the store and then went into a public restroom and wiped the edge of the donut on the toilet seat,,,over and over again. I then put the donut down on a plate in front of me and stared at it. I immediately felt disgusted and disturbed, I can still feel it now as I write about it. My throat closed up and I felt nauseous, but guess what it worked and I haven’t had a donut in over three years. I see one now and it automatically invokes the disgust response in my emotional mind.. Hooray for nausea… that’s all it took for “self-control” to kick in!!!
I tell you this story, because today’s topic is dealing with trauma. No donut consumption doesn’t have anything to do with trauma, but talking to the right part of the brain has everything to do with trauma. People who have gone through a traumatic experience are prone to think almost entirely with their emotional brain in order to protect themselves from future harm. This makes sense, but when someone tells them “rationally” that they have nothing to be afraid of, that line of reasoning is going to be ineffective. Make sure you’re talking to the correct part of the brain. If a person has been traumatized, working on calming their emotional brain down first, by providing a safe environment for them to talk, and making sure you’re being non-judgmental is paramount. If you come in “guns blazing” with all your rational thinking, their emotional brain will just tune you out faster.
- FACT: The limbic system (emotional center of brain) was formed millions of years before your neocortex (thinking center) and therefore is the louder of the two voices in your brain.
- TAKEAWAY: Emotions are stronger than rationality, but logical thought can win out in the long run if you practice with perseverance.